API Reference

Response sample with different code


Response can be traced on the call back event object Card91RemoteResponse

Response codeDescription
200-299 Between 200-299 is considered as success response.
400-499401 Invalid auth token,
403 Forbidden,
400 Request structure is malformed or incorrect
415 Missing header request
500-599Server Error

Response code

Sample response for 400 (Bad Request)
Reason : Invalid field name for any mandatory field:

 {"Status":400,"Headers":{},"Data":"Invalid request, Please check the request parameters"}

Sample response for 401 (Authentication Failed)
Reason : Invalid auth token passed or no token passed


Sample response for 403(Forbidden)
Reason : User does not have required privileges for perform the action (token is correct but user does not have rights)

{"Status":403,"Headers":{},"Data":"{\"message\":\"This user does not have the required privileges to perform this action\"}"}

Sample response for 404(Service not available)
Reason : Service not available or env passed is incorrect

{"Status":404,"Headers":{},"Data":"404 page not found\n"}

Sample response for 405(Method not available)
Reason : Required parameter passed as empty


Sample response for 500(Server Error)
Reason : Service not available respond to the query

{"Status":500,"Headers":{},"Data":"Something went wrong"}