API Reference

Auth URL Configuration


The End point URL which the business / org has to create at their end.

eg: https://abc.com/auth/token
Method - POST

Body raw (json)

  "unique_id": "12767667763",
  "mobile": "91XXXXXXXXXX",
  "sdk": "ISSUE_CARD",

The above JSON will be the payload (POST). The details are mentioned below:

Param NameTypeRequiredDescription
unique_idstringtrueUnique identifier of the request. This needs to be passed while loading the SDK.
mobilestringtrueThis is the mobile number for which the card has to get created. This needs to be passed in JSON default value. The mobile number must begin with "91".
card_prog_idstringtrueCustomer Card program id in which the card has to be created. This needs to be passed while loading the SDK.
org_IdstringtrueThe business or the org id in which the card has to be created. This needs to be passed while loading the SDK.
sdkstringtrueThe request will have the default value of "ISSUE_CARD".


The above endpoint must return 200. The body should like

  "message": ""// Message 

The business needs to generate the JWT token using the API key and secret and pass this token back in the response header and the response header requires Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-C91-B-Token.

NOTE: In response header key "X-C91-B-Token" should have JWT token of business. The response header value should be like this:

X-C91-B-Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJaNUM3QkYwQzFmbkM5bVJTWnhvZUxva1hHMllhcUZQTzZxbDloV1JFMGhZPSIsImlhdCI6MTY4NTQ0NTkzMywiZXhwIjoxNjg1NDQ2MjMzfQ.8SZit690GHJnX_xPLuViZbsVRl06TprT5QN0BP7d6yooLqY8PyDnKckaKYqdz1EDemxeFS9gb6UyjJNdSM4efA