This page will help you get started with NSDL MIN KYC.
Create npmrc File
Create .npmrc file in React Native project root folder with the following information:
This files direct npm client to look for all packages starting from @github-banc91 in the registry -
As it is a private repository, it would need a private token to access it (ghp_Access_Token)
Please reach out to Card91 team to get this token
Install the package using npm
using the following command:
npm install --save-exact @card91/react-native-sdk
or using yarn
yarn add --exact @card91/react-native-sdk
Peer Dependencies
Our React Native SDK relies on the
library, so please make sure that it is installed before using the SDK.
Use NsdlMinKycFlow
in the place where you need to show the KYC form:
import { NsdlMinKycFlow } from '@card91/react-native-sdk';
export default function App() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue', height: '80%' }}>
environment="sandbox" /* sandbox or live */
templateId="" // template id will be provided eg. "Xoltt"
onEvent={(onEvent) => {
console.log('onEvent', onEvent);// Event will be trigger based on KYC status and events
phoneNumber="" // Need to pass registered mobile number of the card holder eg.+918882077XXX
For NsdlMinKycFlow component takes the following props:
Input props
Name | Type | Required | Description |
environment | string | true | Use to indicate key for design template |
templateId | string | false | Use "sandbox" for production sandbox environment and "live" for production environment . |