API Reference

Customer Service API

Customer service api to furnish the detail of the customer related to card, transactions, currency, card settings, trip, load history and many more.

API Documentation

This section provides details on the use of APIs, including sample requests and responses.


There is basic two environment, PRODUCTION and PROD SANDBOX.
Base url will be shared by Card91 team.

Usage :

API list:

Sr. No.Method NameDescription
1Login with authorization tokenUse to authenticate the user and fetch its detail
2Get customer detailUse to fetch customer detail
3Get currency listUse to fetch currency list
4Get transaction listUse to fetch transaction list
5Get Card SettingsUse to fetch card setting
6Set Card SettingsUse to set the card setting
7Block CardBlock the card permanently
8Freeze CardSuspend the card temporarily
9Card Load History ListHistory of card load
10Get Trip ListTrip history of customer

Method 1: Login with authorization token


  • This method allows you to authenticate user and respond with user details

Request parameters.



End Point



mobilestringCustomer mobile number with "91".
sdkAuthTokenstringToken created from client application to get it validated through web hook configured on the the admin portal.
orgIdstringOrganization id eg (OID24060#######7ID16561311).

Sample Request

    "mobile": "91989###7876",
    "sdkAuthToken": "F9123xyzzxsfswgsfdf",
    "orgId": "OID240605#######ID16561311"

Sample Response Header

In header response will contain the customer token on the key "Jwt_token" which then will be used to call rest of the api given below.

Header NameValue
Jwt_token:C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/TubfPiW*****GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

Response contains user personal , document, address, employment detail and card program details.

    "documents": [
            "id": 117,
            "validity": null,
            "version": null,
            "docType": "AIR_TICKET",
            "docUrl": "https://card91-np-docs.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/SANDBOX/FILE240821115921785ID17519472.jpg",
            "countryISOCode": null
            "id": 120,
            "validity": null,
            "version": null,
            "docType": "AIR_TICKET",
            "docUrl": "https://card91-np-docs.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/SANDBOX/FILE240903115924014ID11012550.png",
            "countryISOCode": null
    "addresses": [
            "id": 547,
            "addressType": "CURRENT_ADDRESS",
            "address1": "Tirumala P",
            "address2": "Koramangalaa",
            "landmark": "Police station",
            "city": "koramangala",
            "countryISOCode": "IND",
            "pinCode": "560066",
            "state": "Karnataka",
            "status": "ACTIVE"
    "employmentDetails": [],
    "cardPrograms": [
            "id": "CP240709122046100ID18366231",
            "imageUrl": null,
            "programName": "Sagar Thomas cook ",
            "network": "RUPAY",
            "issuer": "THOMAS COOK",
            "accountId": "767396723544",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "orgCardProgramId": 303,
            "cards": [
                    "id": "CID240715054310293ID17085600",
                    "lastFour": "4760",
                    "state": "INACTIVE",
                    "type": "PHYSICAL"
                    "id": "CID240716181359139ID11104872",
                    "lastFour": "7817",
                    "state": "INACTIVE",
                    "type": "VIRTUAL"
                    "id": "CID240913110443475ID16827540",
                    "lastFour": "3359",
                    "state": "BLOCKED",
                    "type": "PHYSICAL"
    "id": "CUST2407150445######D15656664",
    "dob": "17-03-2001",
    "gender": "MALE",
    "mobile": "91900###028",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "Rajashekar",
    "internationalMobileNumber": null,
    "middleName": "",
    "lastName": "Manda",
    "nameOnCard": "Raj",
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "lrsLimit": 250000.00,
    "usedLimit": 0.00,
    "availableLimit": 250000.00,
    "organizationConfig": {
        "selfLoad": false,
        "directLoad": true,
        "selfEncashment": false,
        "directEncashment": true,
        "kycDocRequired": true,
        "travelDocRequired": false,
        "splitTxnAllowed": false,
        "interCurrencyTransferAllowed": false,
        "loadRefNumberRequired": true,
        "encashmentRefNumberRequired": true,
        "defaultEmailAlert": true,
        "defaultDomesticSmsAlert": true,
        "defaultInternationalSmsAlert": false,
        "ecomAllowed": false,
        "atmAllowed": true,
        "posAllowed": true,
        "clAllowed": false,
        "ecomDefault": false,
        "atmDefault": false,
        "posDefault": false,
        "clDefault": false,
        "zoopEnabled": false
    "panValue": "DUMPM6643T",
    "passportValue": "Y1444157",
    "passportFileNumber": "dummy",
    "passportValidity": "17-03-2040"

Method 2: Get customer detail


  • This method allows you to get user details, the response will remain the same loginwithauthtoken .
    This method can act as refresh api as well.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



orgIdstringOrganization id eg (OID240######057ID16561311).

Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

    "documents": [ // Basic set of document attached to the user
            "id": 117,
            "validity": null,
            "version": null,
            "docType": "AIR_TICKET",
            "docUrl": "https://card91-np-docs.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/SANDBOX/FILE240821115921785ID17519472.jpg",
            "countryISOCode": null
            "id": 120,
            "validity": null,
            "version": null,
            "docType": "AIR_TICKET",
            "docUrl": "https://card91-np-docs.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/SANDBOX/FILE240903115924014ID11012550.png",
            "countryISOCode": null
    "addresses": [
            "id": 547,
            "addressType": "CURRENT_ADDRESS",
            "address1": "Tirumala P",
            "address2": "Koramangalaa",
            "landmark": "Police station",
            "city": "koramangala",
            "countryISOCode": "IND",
            "pinCode": "560066",
            "state": "Karnataka",
            "status": "ACTIVE"
    "employmentDetails": [],
    "cardPrograms": [
            "id": "CP24070######D18366231",
            "imageUrl": null,
            "programName": "Sagar Thomas cook ",
            "network": "RUPAY",
            "issuer": "THOMAS COOK",
            "accountId": "767396723544",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "orgCardProgramId": 303,
            "cards": [
                    "id": "CID24071###0293ID17085600",
                    "lastFour": "4760",
                    "state": "INACTIVE",
                    "type": "PHYSICAL"
                    "id": "CID2407161###39ID11104872",
                    "lastFour": "7817",
                    "state": "INACTIVE",
                    "type": "VIRTUAL"
                    "id": "CID240913####75ID16827540",
                    "lastFour": "3359",
                    "state": "BLOCKED",
                    "type": "PHYSICAL"
    "id": "CUST240715######3610ID15656664",
    "dob": "17-03-2001",
    "gender": "MALE",
    "mobile": "9190###00028",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "Rajashekar",
    "internationalMobileNumber": null,
    "middleName": "",
    "lastName": "Manda",
    "nameOnCard": "Raj",
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "lrsLimit": 250000.00,
    "usedLimit": 0.00,
    "availableLimit": 250000.00,
    "organizationConfig": {
        "selfLoad": false,
        "directLoad": true,
        "selfEncashment": false,
        "directEncashment": true,
        "kycDocRequired": true,
        "travelDocRequired": false,
        "splitTxnAllowed": false,
        "interCurrencyTransferAllowed": false,
        "loadRefNumberRequired": true,
        "encashmentRefNumberRequired": true,
        "defaultEmailAlert": true,
        "defaultDomesticSmsAlert": true,
        "defaultInternationalSmsAlert": false,
        "ecomAllowed": false,
        "atmAllowed": true,
        "posAllowed": true,
        "clAllowed": false,
        "ecomDefault": false,
        "atmDefault": false,
        "posDefault": false,
        "clDefault": false,
        "zoopEnabled": false
    "panValue": "DUMPM6643T",
    "passportValue": "Y1444157",
    "passportFileNumber": "dummy",
    "passportValidity": "17-03-2040"

Method 3: Get currency list


  • This api allows you to fetch the user currency list associated to the account of the user.
    Currency list include the currency code and balance.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



accountIdintUser account id (received on login with auth token)

Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

    "accountCurrencyBalanceList": [
            "balance": "0.00",
            "currencyCode": "AED",
            "priority": "1",
            "isActive": "OVERALL_FREEZE"
    "splitTxnAllowed": false

Method 4: Get transaction list


  • This method allows to fetch all the transaction associated with the user account.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



accountIdintUser account id (received on login with auth token)
pageintFor pagination
perPageintNumber of item per page

Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

    "recordsCurrentPage": 1,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalRecords": 1,
    "accountId": "767396723544",
    "transactions": [
            "id": 788,
            "txnId": "TXN2407170508286315986972",
            "txnType": "ECOM",
            "txnCategory": "SALE",
            "currencyCode": "AED",
            "amount": 12.00,
            "baseCurrencyAmount": null,
            "baseCurrencyCode": null,
            "exchangeRate": null,
            "overallMarkup": null,
            "stan": "000000962602",
            "rrn": "053984833478",
            "rc": "1806",
            "switch_rc": null,
            "displayMessage": "Card not active",
            "eventType": "TRANSACTION",
            "mid": "6546",
            "tid": "4354",
            "reversalCount": 0,
            "mcc": "2222",
            "refundCount": 0,
            "cardId": "CID2407150###293ID17085600",
            "customerId": null,
            "network": "RUPAY",
            "settled": false,
            "fromAccount": null,
            "toAccount": null,
            "merchantName": "Raj",
            "merchantCity": "Madiwal",
            "merchantRegion": "MH",
            "merchantCountryCode": "IN",
            "merchantAddress": null,
            "merchantPostalCode": "400063",
            "merchantPhone": null,
            "latitude": "",
            "longitude": "",
            "orgCardProgramMapId": null,
            "nameOnCard": null,
            "cardLastFour": "4760",
            "aid": null,
            "tvr": null,
            "settlementDate": null,
            "transmissionDate": "2024-07-17 05:08:28",
            "localTxnDate": null,
            "txnDate": "2024-07-17 05:08:28",
            "orgId": null,
            "switchTxnId": "605747",
            "switchRefTxnId": "",
            "txnStatus": "DECLINED",
            "amountFlow": null,
            "entityType": "CUST",
            "entityId": "767396723544",
            "node": 0,
            "referenceTxnId": null

Method 5: Get Card Settings


  • This method is order to fetch the a particular card setting. Response include status and amount limits of different type of transaction based on currencies.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



CARDstringCard id whose setting need to be fetched (eg. CID24071505####3ID17085600)

Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

    "limits": [
            "currency": "AED",
            "perAtmTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "perOnlineTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "perPosTxnLimit": 50000.0000,
            "perContactlessTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "maxPerAtmTxnLimit": 90.0000,
            "maxPerOnlineTxnLimit": 0,
            "maxPerPosTxnLimit": 50000.0000,
            "maxPerContactlessTxnLimit": 0,
            "isContactLessAllowed": false,
            "isAtmLimitEnabled": false,
            "isOnlineLimitEnabled": false,
            "isPosLimitEnabled": true

Method 6: Set Card Settings


  • This method allows to set the card settings.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



entityTypestring"CARD" in this case.
entityIdstring"Card id whose setting is being done
currencystringCurrency code received on currency list eg. "AED"
isContactLessAllowedbooleanTo enable or disable Contact Less transaction on card
isAtmLimitEnabledbooleanTo enable or disable ATM transaction on card
isOnlineLimitEnabledbooleanTo enable or disable ECOM transaction on card
isPosLimitEnabledbooleanTo enable or disable Point of Sale transaction on card
perAtmTxnLimitintLimit amount for ATM
perOnlineTxnLimitintLimit amount for ECOM
perPosTxnLimitintLimit amount for Point of Sale
perContactlessTxnLimitintLimit amount for Contact Less (TAP)

Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Request


Sample Response

    "limits": [
            "currency": "AED",
            "perAtmTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "perOnlineTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "perPosTxnLimit": 50000.0000,
            "perContactlessTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "maxPerAtmTxnLimit": 90.0000,
            "maxPerOnlineTxnLimit": 0,
            "maxPerPosTxnLimit": 50000.0000,
            "maxPerContactlessTxnLimit": 0,
            "isContactLessAllowed": false,
            "isAtmLimitEnabled": false,
            "isOnlineLimitEnabled": false,
            "isPosLimitEnabled": true

Method 7: Block card


  • This method allow to block card.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



CARDstringCard id whose setting need to be fetched (eg. CID240715####3ID17085600)
statusstring"BLOCKED" needed to passed for this field
blockedReasonstringPass the possible reason eg ."STOLEN","LOST", "DAMAGED", "NOT_REQUIRED".

Request Json Body


Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Request


Sample Response

    "limits": [
            "currency": "AED",
            "perAtmTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "perOnlineTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "perPosTxnLimit": 50000.0000,
            "perContactlessTxnLimit": 0.0000,
            "maxPerAtmTxnLimit": 90.0000,
            "maxPerOnlineTxnLimit": 0,
            "maxPerPosTxnLimit": 50000.0000,
            "maxPerContactlessTxnLimit": 0,
            "isContactLessAllowed": false,
            "isAtmLimitEnabled": false,
            "isOnlineLimitEnabled": false,
            "isPosLimitEnabled": true

Method 8: Freeze and Unfreeze Card Settings


  • This api allow user to freeze and unfreeze the card.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



CARDstringCard id whose setting need to be fetched (eg. CID240715#####93ID17085600)
statusstring"LOCKED" in case of freezing the card, "UNLOCKED" in case of un freezing the card

Request Json Body


Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

{"message":"Card status updated successfully"}

Method 9: Card Load History


  • This method allows you to get user details, the response will remain the same loginwithauthtoken .
    This method can act as refresh api as well.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



accountIdstringUser account id (received on login with auth token)
pagestringPage for pagination
perPageintNumber of item per page

Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

    "recordsCurrentPage": 3,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalRecords": 3,
    "cardLoadList": [
            "baseCurrencyAmount": 713.00,
            "moneyReceivedDate": "2024-09-19T13:35:31.299",
            "account": "813020763672",
            "fxAmount": 713.00,
            "status": "APPROVED",
            "type": "ENCASH",
            "cardLoadId": "ENCSH240919133531160ID12478470",
            "currencyCode": "AED",
            "txnDate": "2024-09-19T13:35:31.299",
            "referenceNumber": "67312"
            "baseCurrencyAmount": 2300.00,
            "moneyReceivedDate": "2024-09-19T13:22:19.338",
            "account": "813020763672",
            "fxAmount": 2300.00,
            "status": "APPROVED",
            "type": "RELOAD",
            "cardLoadId": "CLID240919132219337ID10825880",
            "currencyCode": "AED",
            "txnDate": "2024-09-19T13:22:19.338",
            "referenceNumber": "4631"
            "baseCurrencyAmount": 10000.00,
            "moneyReceivedDate": "2024-09-19T09:17:07.566",
            "account": "813020763672",
            "fxAmount": 10000.00,
            "status": "APPROVED",
            "type": "LOAD",
            "cardLoadId": "CLID240919091707564ID17076760",
            "currencyCode": "AED",
            "txnDate": "2024-09-19T09:17:07.566",
            "referenceNumber": "qwedfv"

Method 10: Get Trip List


  • This method allows you to get user details, the response will remain the same loginwithauthtoken .
    This method can act as refresh api as well.

Parameters to call the api.



End Point



Customer IDstringAdd in query parameter eg .CUST240715####0ID15656664
Org IDstringOrg Id -- OID24060#####7ID16561311
pageintPage for pagination
perPageintNumber of item per page

Request Header

In header request authorization we have to pass the customer token or "Jwt_token"

Header NameValue
authorization:Bearer C91IP_NqP44YecjzTTI/Tubf**GmPzRaf0UJJI= (Sample token)

Sample Response

        "id": null,
        "mctcTripId": "TRIP240716125517805ID13084224",
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "customerId": "CUST240715044503610ID15656664",
        "tripStartDate": "2024-12-12",
        "tripEndDate": "2024-12-13",
        "travelPurposeCode": "TP01",
        "orgId": "OID240605060125057ID16561311",
        "destinationCountryCode": "weqwe",
        "tripName": "Trip to weqwe (Business Travel)",
        "maxLoadLimit": 13000.00
        "id": null,
        "mctcTripId": "TRIP240716125612513ID12178300",
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "customerId": "CUST240715044503610ID15656664",
        "tripStartDate": "2024-08-16",
        "tripEndDate": "2024-08-16",
        "travelPurposeCode": "TP05",
        "orgId": "OID240605060125057ID16561311",
        "destinationCountryCode": "USA",
        "tripName": "Trip to USA (Education(Self Funded))",
        "maxLoadLimit": 13000.00
        "id": null,
        "mctcTripId": "TRIP240821115922086ID19751742",
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "customerId": "CUST240715044503610ID15656664",
        "tripStartDate": "2025-01-21",
        "tripEndDate": "2026-12-21",
        "travelPurposeCode": "TP06",
        "orgId": "OID240621070419750ID10693408",
        "destinationCountryCode": "usa",
        "tripName": "Trip to usa (Education(Loan Funded))",
        "maxLoadLimit": 13000.00
        "id": null,
        "mctcTripId": "TRIP240903115924376ID12789250",
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "customerId": "CUST240715044503610ID15656664",
        "tripStartDate": "2024-09-03",
        "tripEndDate": "2024-09-25",
        "travelPurposeCode": "TP06",
        "orgId": "OID240621070419750ID10693408",
        "destinationCountryCode": "USA",
        "tripName": "Trip to USA (Education(Loan Funded))",
        "maxLoadLimit": 13000.00
        "id": null,
        "mctcTripId": "TRIP240906101637354ID19777390",
        "status": "APPROVED",
        "customerId": "CUST240715044503610ID15656664",
        "tripStartDate": "2028-09-06",
        "tripEndDate": "2032-09-06",
        "travelPurposeCode": "TP04",
        "orgId": "OID240605060125057ID16561311",
        "destinationCountryCode": "Uganda",
        "tripName": "Trip to Uganda (Medical)",
        "maxLoadLimit": 13000.00


Response can be traced on the call back event object Card91RemoteResponse

Response codeDescription
200-299 Between 200-299 is considered as success response.
400-499401 Invalid auth token (unauthorised) token which is passed is incorrect.
403 Forbidden,
400 Request structure is malformed or incorrect (check the request body)
404 Url not found (check the end point of the api url)
415 Missing header request.
429 Too many request sent in limited time frame.
500-599500 - Internal server error
501. - Service not implemented
502 - Bad gateway
503 - Service not available
504 - Gateway time out