API Reference

Issue Card Iframe HTML

Domain URL:

Below you will find a link to issue card in the iframe.





For Issue Card takes the following props:

Input props

templateIdstringtrueUse to indicate key for design template
environmentstringfalseUse "sandbox" for production sandbox environment and "live" for production environment .
cardProgramIdstringtrueCustomer Card program id which come when you login with MPIN/Auth token
organizationIdstringtrueNeed to pass business id
uniqueIdstringtrueNeed to pass secret key auth url validation
authUrlstringtrueAuth Url from client need pass in responses attached with token
onSubmitstringtrueMethods used to trigger submit button through web view
customFieldsobjecttrueFields which represent which step have to show
stepstringtrueSteps indicates which represent active step of issue card form
cardModestringtruevalue should be DIGITAL_ONLY_CARD / PHYSICAL_NAMED_CARD

The events are as follows:

Event NameDescription
C91_ISSUE_CARD_SCREEN_INITIALISEDThe issue card screen has been initialised.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_SCREEN_SUCCESSThe API request related to the issue card screen was successful.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_API_FAILUREThe API request related to the issue card screen has failed.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_AUTHENTICATION_FAILUREAuthentication for the issue card screen has failed.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_SERVER_FAILUREThe server encountered an error while processing the issue card request.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_MISSING_PARAMETERA required parameter is missing in the issue card request.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_TOKEN_API_SUCCESSThe API request for retrieving a token related to the issue card was successful.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_TOKEN_API_FAILUREThe API request for retrieving a token related to the issue card has failed.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_SERVER_FAILUREAn external server encountered an error while processing the issue card request.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_MISSING_PARAMETERA required parameter is missing in the external issue card request.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILUREAuthentication for the external issue card request has failed.

Sample HTML File:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    iframe {
      height: 100vh;
      width: 100%;


    window.addEventListener('message', message => {
    function txnPage() {
      try {
        var ORIGIN = "https://card-webview-sandbox.card91.io";
        var params = {
          "payload": {
            organizationId: "230217024240504ID1OID6864550",// Org Id
            cardProgramId: "230630074826303ID1CP6003872", // Card program Id
            uniqueId: "string", // Unique id
            authUrl: `https://integrations.card91.io/api:3aL900Rl/auth/token`, // Auth web hook needs to created please refer Auth URL Config Documentation
            cardMode: 'DIGITAL_ONLY_CARD',
            customFields: {
              "step1": [ // Step define different pages for issue card form
                  "name": "fullName",
                  "displayText": "Full Name",
                  "elements": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "defaultValue": "Dheerendra Singh",
                    "disabled": true // For making the non editable field pass the value as true 
                  "name": "mobile",
                  "displayText": "Mobile No.",
                  "elements": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "defaultValue": "9971304064",
                    "disabled": true // For making the non editable field pass the value as true 
                  "name": "pan",
                  "displayText": "PAN",
                  "elements": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "defaultValue": "HIYPS8243G",
                    "disabled": true // For making the non editable field pass the value as true 
                  "name": "nameOnCard",
                  "displayText": "Name on card",
                  "elements": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "defaultValue": "Dk Thakur",
                    "disabled": true // For making the non editable field pass the value as true 
          "type": "C91_ISSUE_CARD_SET_PARAMS"
        document.getElementById("issue-card-page").contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(params), ORIGIN);
      } catch (error) {
    function gotoStep(step) {
      var ORIGIN = "http://localhost:3000";
      var params = {
        "payload": {
          "step": step
        "type": "C91_ISSUE_CARD_SET_FORM_STEP"
      document.getElementById("issue-card-page").contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(params), ORIGIN);

    function onSubmit() {
      var ORIGIN = "http://localhost:3000";
      var params = {
        "payload": null,
        "type": "C91_ISSUE_CARD_SET_SUBMIT"
      document.getElementById("issue-card-page").contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(params), ORIGIN);


  <iframe onLoad="txnPage()" src="https://card-webview-sandbox.card91.io/issue-card?templateId=xoltt&platform=ios" frameborder="0"
    allow="midi" id="issue-card-page"></iframe>
    <button type="button" id="step-1" onclick="gotoStep('step1')"> Step1</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="gotoStep('step2')">Step2</button> // If wants to move to next step if multiple steps and defined on custom field json object
    <button type="button" onclick="gotoStep('step3')">Step3</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="gotoStep('step4')">Step4</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="onSubmit()">Submit</button> // When user wants to submit the filled form for issue card

