The End point URL which the business / org has to create at their end.
eg: https://abc.com/auth/token
Method - POST
Body raw (json)
"unique_id": "12767667763",
"mobile": "91XXXXXXXXXX",
"sdk": "PRINT_CARD",
The above JSON will be the payload (POST). The details are mentioned below:
Param Name | Type | Required | Description |
unique_id | string | true | Unique identifier of the request. This needs to be passed while loading the SDK. |
mobile | string | true | This is the mobile number for which the card has to get created. This needs to be passed in JSON default value. The mobile number must begin with "91". |
card_prog_id | string | true | Customer Card program id in which the card has to be created. This needs to be passed while loading the SDK. |
org_Id | string | true | The business or the org id in which the card has to be created. This needs to be passed while loading the SDK. |
sdk | string | true | The request will have the default value of "ISSUE_CARD". |
The above endpoint must return 200. The body should like
"message": ""// Message
The business needs to generate the JWT token using the API key and secret and pass this token back in the response header and the response header requires Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-C91-B-Token.
NOTE: In response header key "X-C91-B-Token" should have JWT token of business. The response header value should be like this:
X-C91-B-Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJaNUM3QkYwQzFmbkM5bVJTWnhvZUxva1hHMllhcUZQTzZxbDloV1JFMGhZPSIsImlhdCI6MTY4NTQ0NTkzMywiZXhwIjoxNjg1NDQ2MjMzfQ.8SZit690GHJnX_xPLuViZbsVRl06TprT5QN0BP7d6yooLqY8PyDnKckaKYqdz1EDemxeFS9gb6UyjJNdSM4efA