API Reference

Issue Card Flutter Plugin

Document explain the process of integrating the flutter issue card plugin

Card91 issue card flutter plugin

This package is used to issue card for a customer based on the validated input taken on the form. This package directly communicates to Card91 SDK.


Package directly communicate with the SDK (secured platform) to issue card and create a card holder.

Getting started

Add the widget package on your pubspec version
$ flutter pub add card91_plugin

Use this package as a library

Run this command: With Flutter:

flutter pub add card91_plugin

Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:card91_plugin/card91_flutter_library.dart';


Open the widget by passing the required parameter to use it. Check out the below code snippet for the same.
Sample code below

class OnBoarding extends StatefulWidget  {
  const OnBoarding({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<OnBoarding> createState() => _OnBoardingState();

class _OnBoardingState extends State<OnBoarding> {
  final Card91Controller _controller = Card91Controller();// create a instance of the Card91Controller which helps calling the SDK required function
  String env=""; /// PROD_SANDBOX or PROD 
  String templateId=""; // template id will be provide separately eg."xoltt"
  String cardProgramId="";// eg.230528190350397ID1CP9723194, card ID
  String organizationId=""; // eg. 230526135544169ID1OID4070270, Organization id 
  String uniqueId="";// eg . unique, Unique Identifier
  String authUrl=""; // Auth url which all application has to configure in order to get the business token
  String cardMode=""; // eg. DIGITAL_ONLY_CARD, type of card user wanted to generate
  String customFields="{\"step1\":[{\"name\":\"fullName\",\"displayText\":\"Full Name\",\"elements\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"defaultValue\":\"\"}},{\"name\":\"mobile\",\"displayText\":\"Mobile No.\",\"elements\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"defaultValue\":\"\"}},{\"name\":\"pan\",\"displayText\":\"PAN\",\"elements\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"defaultValue\":\"\"}},{\"name\":\"nameOnCard\",\"displayText\":\"Name on card\",\"elements\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"defaultValue\":\"\"}}]}";

  void initState() {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        body: SingleChildScrollView(
            child: Container(
                color: Colors.black12,
              child: Column(
                children: [

                    onPressed: (){
                    icon: Icon(
                      size: 30,
                      color: AppColors.blackFont,
                  const SizedBox(height: 20,),
                      env: env,
                      templateId: templateId,
                      cardProgramId: cardProgramId,
                      organizationId: organizationId,
                      uniqueId: uniqueId,
                      authUrl: authUrl,
                      cardMode: cardMode,
                      customFields: customFields,
                      card91controller: _controller,
                      onDataResponse: (String dataResponse, String payload) {
                        print("dataResponse - $dataResponse");
                    		print("payload - $payload");// Payload will contain the data reponse from issue card API
                        switch (dataResponse) {
                          case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_SCREEN_INITIALISED":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_SERVER_FAILURE":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_SCREEN_SUCCESS":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_MISSING_PARAMETER":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case 'C91_ISSUE_CARD_API_FAILURE':
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                           case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_SERVER_FAILURE":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case "C91_ISSUE_CARD_TOKEN_API_SUCCESS":
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case 'C91_ISSUE_CARD_TOKEN_API_FAILURE':
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same
                          case 'C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_MISSING_PARAMETER':
                            // Refer  "Call Back Event Description" section for the same

                  // const SponsoredWidget(),
        // const LoadingIndicatorConsumer<HomeViewModel>()

Sample steps JSON for "customFields" param

    "step1": [
            "name": "fullName",
            "displayText": "Full Name",
            "elements": {
                "type": "text",
                "defaultValue": "",
                "disabled": true // For making the non editable field pass the value as true 
            "name": "mobile",
            "displayText": "Mobile No.",
            "elements": {
                "type": "text",
                "defaultValue": "",
             	  "disabled": true
            "name": "pan",
            "displayText": "PAN",
            "elements": {
                "type": "text",
                "defaultValue": "",
                "disabled": true
            "name": "nameOnCard",
            "displayText": "Name on card",
            "elements": {
                "type": "text",
                "defaultValue": "",
                "disabled": true

For Issue Card takes the following props:

Input props

templateIdstringtrueUse to indicate key for design template
envstringfalseUse "PROD_SANDBOX" for production sandbox environment and "PROD" for production environment .
cardProgramIdstringtrueCard program id which come when you login with MPIN/Auth token
organizationIdstringtrueNeed to pass business id
uniqueIdstringtrueNeed to pass secret key auth url validation
authUrlstringtrueAuth Url from client need pass in responses attached with token
controller.callStep()functiontruePass string "step2" to move on to next step, "submit" on final submission
customFieldsobjecttrueFields which represent which step have to show
onDataResponsefunctiontrueAdd a call back function to receive the error & success event,
Type and payload
Types are defined below and payload will contain the message.
card91controllerstringtruevalue should be DIGITAL_ONLY_CARD / PHYSICAL_NAMED_CARD

Call Back Event Type Description

Event NameDescription
C91_ISSUE_CARD_SCREEN_INITIALISEDThe issue card screen SDK has been initialised.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_SCREEN_SUCCESSThe API request related to the issue card was successful.
That means card holder is created successfully.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_API_FAILUREThe API request related to the issue card has failed.
That means card holder is created not created due to api failed.
Find the reason on the payload which client will receive in the widget.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_AUTHENTICATION_FAILUREAuthentication for the issue card screen has failed.
Thats mean Business Token generated from the AuthURL web-hook does not return the valid token which is passed to issue card API.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_SERVER_FAILUREThe server encountered an error while processing the issue card API request.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_MISSING_PARAMETERA required parameter is missing in the issue card request.
Client application has to make sure validate the params they are passing to SDK should correct and not empty.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_TOKEN_API_SUCCESSThats means Business Auth Token from the Auth URL web hook received successfully.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_TOKEN_API_FAILUREWhile retrieving the Business Auth Token service has encounter a issue.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_SERVER_FAILUREAn external server encountered an error while retrieving the Business Auth Token.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_MISSING_PARAMETERA required parameter is missing in the external issue card request.
C91_ISSUE_CARD_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILUREAuthentication for the external issue card request has failed.